The Roselawn Community Council, Inc. -


Council Meeting: February 13, 2024

A regular meeting of the members of the Roselawn Community Council was held on February 13, 2024 at 7:30 p.m., at Our Mothers of Sorrows.

President Paul Probst called the meeting to order. New attendees introduced themselves.

Approval of Minutes

Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the minutes of the January 9, 2003, meeting of the members were approved without change.

Fire Report

Lt. Prather stated that there was not much to report. There were only five small fires in Roselawn in January. Specialists have been teaching children what to do in case of a terrorist attack.

Police Report

Specialist Charles Dukes reported on the Block Watch meeting held on February 8 and encouraged more residents to attend such meetings. He said that we have lost some of our beat officers but have three new beat officers, whom he would try to introduce to us at future block watch meetings. The crime statistics and vice reports were discussed, as was a new program in which residents can conduct surveillance, after training by the CPD. In addition, the new police substation in the Valley Shopping Center is being prepared. Residents reported and asked questions about specific crime problems in the neighborhood.

Grass Roots Leadership Academy

Tracy Vanzant-Foyles described the Grass Roots Leadership Academy, which is an eight-week or eight-month course to teach people how to become leaders in their communities and how to be more effective in improving their communities. The course is free, paid for with tax dollars.

Neighborhood Days

Mr. Probst reported that City Council had developed its schedule for visiting neighborhoods in 2003, and Roselawn is not on the schedule. Nonetheless, David Pepper stated that he is eager to visit Roselawn, so members brainstormed on topics to discuss with Mr. Pepper and any other City Council members who might visit. The trustees will then work on a program and schedule a visit.



Mr. Probst announced various upcoming events, including the expected March visit by Councilmember John Cranley, who wants to talk about the City budget.

Committee Reports

Beautification: Nancy Sunnenberg reported that the garden sites will be prepared on the date of the Great American Cleanup for later planting.

Business: Roy Jones announced that the Roselawn Business Association would be meeting on Tuesday, February 18, at 10:30 a.m., at Rare Elegance.

Law & Safety: Cindy Shafer reported that the Law & Safety Committee is having a difficult time getting interested persons to attend meetings and that creative methods would be instituted.

Litter: Gary Moffett reported that the Litter Committee also was struggling but hopeful. The Great American Cleanup is scheduled for April 26, 2003.

Membership: Ruby Metts reminded everyone of the request that every member sign up another member.

Newsletter: Mary Donaldson reported that the deadline for submissions for the next newsletter would be about the time of the March members� meeting.

There being no further business to come before the meeting, the meeting was adjourned.


Cynthia A. Shafer, Secretary

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Copyright 2003 The Roselawn Community Council, Inc.
P.O. Box 37087 - Cincinnati, Ohio 45222
Phone: 513-821-8918 (please leave message on answering machine)
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Site Sponsored by LaRosa's Roselawn