The Roselawn Community Council, Inc. -


Council Meeting: June 12, 2024

Introduction of New Attendees

Several residents attending for the first time introduced themselves.


The minutes of the May 8, 2003, meeting were approved without change.

Fire Report

Firefighter Daniels reported 48 runs in May, including 2 fires and 4 serious life support runs. Firefighters have been inspecting fire hydrants and will be checking smoke detectors over the summer. He reminded us to be careful with our grills over the summer; one fire run recently was the result of a grill fire.

Police Report

Specialist Dukes supplied written crime statistics and then talked about various actions to take to prevent burglaries. He offered to perform free safety inspections. Spec. Dukes also discussed a confiscation of a large amount of powder cocaine that had been recovered from a car on Stillwell and talked about the nature of crack addiction and the crime that results from such addictions.

Cincinnati Recreation Commission

Carole Douglas of the Cincinnati Recreation Commission reported on a number of programs, including a program for children being conducted on Monday and Wednesday afternoons through the summer in Roselawn Park, a 3-on-3 basketball league at the Bond Hill Recreation Center and membership to the Bond Hill Recreation Center.


Paul Probst announced that the RCC had received a $1,000 Neighbor Network Grant to plant trees in Roselawn Park.

Cindy Shafer invited members to participate in organizing an Election Forum similar to the Forum conducted two years ago.

Tricia Davis read a letter being sent from the RCC to colleagues of Debbie Kiner, Roselawn's librarian who died unexpectedly.

Mr. Probst reported that several hearings were scheduled on the revised zoning code and maps, offering details for anyone interested.

Ms. Shafer briefly discussed the disappearance of Diane Mitchell, owner of Rare Elegance Cafe and active member of the RCC.

Steve Kirschner stated that the RCC was still in need of a corporate secretary and a couple of additional trustees, inviting anyone interested to let the trustees know.


Committee Reports

Law and Safety: Ms. Shafer discussed the intention of the Law & Safety Committee to once again organize ice cream socials for National Night Out, August 5, and asked for volunteer hosts. She also announced the date of the next District Four Resource Meeting. Reggie Boggs discussed a recent attempted break-in, the opposition of the trustees to a proposed sports bar and the upcoming cookout for the Garden District Block Watch. Mr. Probst also reported on the hearing on the liquor application by Mr. Emetu.

Newsletter: Mary Donaldson asked that anyone wanting to submit material for the next newsletter get it to her or Sonya Kirkland within the next week.

Business: Roy Jones and Ed Moser described a proposal to apply for a grant that would be used for gateway-type signage and image identification in the business district. No vote was required at this meeting.

Leonard Kirschner suggested that the RCC have a program for recognizing attractive yards in the neighborhood.

There being no further business to come before the meeting, the meeting was adjourned.




Cynthia A. Shafer, Secretary

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Copyright 2003 The Roselawn Community Council, Inc.
P.O. Box 37087 - Cincinnati, Ohio 45222
Phone: 513-821-8918 (please leave message on answering machine)
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Site Sponsored by LaRosa's Roselawn