The Roselawn Community Council, Inc. -


Council Meeting: September 11, 2023

The meeting was called to order by Paul Probst.

Paul requested a volunteer to take minutes. Lorie Buxton volunteered.

New attendees were introduced, and included Erwin Hoffman, Brenda Little, Tim Phalen, Lorie Buxton, Nat Cole, Nancy Sampson, Ann Whetstone.

Minutes from the 7/10/2023 Members Meeting were approved as printed.

The Fire Report was given by Lt. Prather. For the past month, there have been no fires, 75 EMS runs, and 13 "specials" (stuck in elevator, etc.) The Safe Summer Nights program will be held on September 23-25. This is a door-to-door visit to offer smoke detectors and CO detectors to those who do not have them and cannot afford them. Members of the community were invited to let Lt. Prather know if anyone attending would like to be included. He also announced that October 11 will be an open house to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Cincinnati Fire Department. More details will be presented at the next council meeting.

An announcement was made that Maureen Royle is in the hospital with congestive heart failure. A card was passed for signatures.

Police Specialist Charles Dukes gave the Police Report, and focused on teen crime in Roselawn. School is back in session, students attend from outside areas and "shop" the neighborhood streets; therefore he warned that cars and garages should be closed and locked. Mid-80�s Chrysler cars are likely targets for vandalism/theft. Specialist Dukes also sited that they confiscate an average of 20 guns each month, and that Ohio ranks as #4 in the country as a place for those outside Ohio to purchase guns. He will be speaking at Roselawn Condon School this month.

Steve Schuckman and Gerald Checco made a presentation on the Cincinnati Park Board. This $10 mil. operation includes 34 preserves/natural areas, 20 gateways/green-spaces, 80,000 street trees, 30 sites operated by the Recreation Board, and 50 miles of hiking trails as some of the major features. They can be reached at 513-861-9070.

Carole Douglas gave the CRC Report. The Playground Program was successful with 12-20 children ages 9-14 attending per day. Held two days each week this year, this will be extended to 3-4 days per week next year. On 9/27 they will host an activity to create a quilt from t-shirts at the Bond Hill Recreation Center. There is a $5 charge, and attendees will need their own supplies. There is a soft track planned for Roselawn Park, and they will be funding the digging. Funding is needed to surface the track. Spring is the delivery target. Carole will be following up on a question whether there had been any issues with the Cincinnati Park Board disapproving this track, though she thought this was not the case.

Randal Yunker introduced Royce Starks, who gave an update from Roselawn Condon School. They had 89% attendance on the first day. Only 55% of the students live in Roselawn. The school is specialized for children with special/medical needs, and many students requiring this kind of attention are brought in from other areas. Mentors are being sought, and special training is provided. Royce can be contacted at 513-363-4800, and potential tutors are asked to reach Penny Mays, also at this number. All are invited to the September 18 open house, and can also call this number for details.

Announcements were made as printed, but were amended to eliminate the Spanish class on the list. Additionally, a "thank you" was read from the family of Debbie Kiner. Finally, Mr. Probst announced that more information was available after the meeting, on these items:

    • Household Hazardous Waste Drop-off
    • OKI North South Transportation Initiative Oversight Committee meeting
    • Mayor Luken is calling for nominations for "Key Cincinnatian Award"
    • "Connecting Communities and Citizens for the Collaborative Agreement" meeting
    • Cincinnati Neighborhood Business Districts United, Inc meeting

New Business - Tim Phalen spoke regarding the importance of the Mayor�s initiative to take the Huntington Meadows property by eminent domain in order to develop middle-class housing for sale. This would bring an influx of new residents with a stable economic base, and would improve activity for the local businesses to allow Roselawn and Bond Hill to return to their former status as thriving communities. Tim had written to the Mayor and each member of City Council, and brought handouts with these addresses suggesting all in attendance do the same. Cindy Shafer mentioned that she had also written to council members, and Paul Probst encouraged the group to follow suit, and committed to doing the same himself. A suggestion was made that someone create a petition, and this may be discussed further at future meetings, however, it was countered that a petition had less impact that proactive communication from individual members.

Committee Reports:

Law & Safety � Cindy Shafer reported that the National Night Out was successful. She also gave details of the recent drug bust that included 300 arrests and confiscated property in excess of $1 mil.

Litter � Gary Moffett announced the "Fall Cleanup" will be held October 25. He will present more details at the next RCC meeting. Mary Donaldson and Ed Moser volunteered to help out, and the library was set as the meeting place, after being offered by Branch Librarian Nancy Sampson. Gary is also presenting a program to the local school children about litter prevention and what they can do to help.

Newsletter � Mary Donaldson reported that the 4th quarter newsletter will be out early October, and asked that anyone with items please email her at [email protected].

Cindy Shafer moved that the meeting adjourn, and this was seconded and approved at 9:20 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Lorie Buxton

September 11, 2023

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P.O. Box 37087 - Cincinnati, Ohio 45222
Phone: 513-821-8918 (please leave message on answering machine)
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Site Sponsored by LaRosa's Roselawn