





APRIL 11, 2024



President Sunnenberg called the meeting to order.


Welcome and Self Introduction of New Attendees, and Approval of Minutes

        New attendees were welcomed, and several individuals introduced themselves.

        Ms. Davis moved, seconded by Ms. Gerstle to approve the minutes of the General Membership Meeting of March 14, 2002.The minutes were unanimously approved.




Fire Report � No Report


Police Report (Specialist Charles Dukes)

Specialist Charles Dukes updated those present concerning the homicide of Stanley Elliott on Eastlawn Drive.He next stated that individuals can report potholes at the URL: http://www.rcc.org/ps/request.html .Specialist Dukes also distributed handouts containing useful telephone numbers and contact information.To contact the Police Division, citizens should call 513-765-1212 for non-emergency situations, and of course 911 for emergencies.To leave a message for Specialist Dukes or other District 4 personnel, or to report overtime parkers, individuals should call District 4 at 513-352-3576.To submit anonymous drug complaints, call 513-352-3715.The Specialist also noted that safety in the community is encouraged through teamwork in the form of Citizens on Patrol and Blockwatch.Questions followed his presentation.The Specialist informed those present that the only problem still outstanding for the Police substation planned at the Cincinnati Recreation Commission is the need for restroom facilities. One resident raised a concern about Golf Manor Police cruisers chasing speeders through the intersection of Eastlawn Dr. and Greenbriar Pl.Specialist Dukes suggested that a courteous call to the Golf Manor Police Department would be the most effective approach to solving this problem.


Nominations Committee (Ms. Cynthia A. Shafer)

Ms. Shafer informed those present that the following openings must be filled in the May, 2002 RCC election:

        President (1 year term) � NO NOMINATIONS

        Executive Vice President (1 year term) � NO NOMINATIONS

        Treasurer (1 year term) � Mr. Charles Lewis nominated

        Secretary (1 year term) � Mr. Paul Probst nominated

        NSP Manager � Ms. Tricia Davis nominated

        Trustee (3 year term expiring 2005) � 5 openings � The following individuals have been nominated:

-         Mr. Habtu Ghebre-Ab

-         Ms. Steve Kirschner

-         Mr. Hogarth Merrick

-         Ms. Cynthia A. Shafer

-         Mr. Maurice Taylor

        Trustee (2 year term expiring 2004) � 1 opening � The following individual has been nominated:

-         Mr. Roy L. Jones

        Trustee (1 year term expiring 2003) � 2 openings � The following individual has been nominated:

-         Ms. Ruby Metts

Anyone who is interested in any of the above positions should speak with Ms. Shafer or any officer or trustee after the meeting.


1000 Hands Playground at Roselawn Park (Mr. Wayne Lurix, CRC Project Coordinator)

May 15-19, 2002 will be the week when the collaboration between the Cincinnati Recreation Commission and those in the Community culminates in the building of playground equipment at Roselawn Park.The design of the playground is now final, and will be constructed on a Freedom theme, which was chosen by children from Our Mother of Sorrows, and Roselawn Condon.The playground will be called the Freedom Playground.Though there has been an ongoing volunteer effort from Roselawn, still more volunteers from the community are needed for the evening and weekend shifts during the build week.Shifts are 8am-noon, 12:30pm-5pm, and 5:30pm-9pm, beginning on May 15 and ending with the grand opening at 6pm on Sunday May 19, 2002.During the build week, the project will require 2,500 volunteers.Generous corporate support from General Electric, Cognos Corporation, Equistar Chemicals, Proctor & Gamble, Kroger, and Jergens has been secured.One of the features of the playground will be a freedom maze containing paintings depicting seven artists� concept of freedom.The work is planned whether rain or shine.Volunteers will be fed lunch, breakfast, and dinner.Mr. Lurix stated that they still need help in the area of tool loans.The date for tool drop off is Monday May 13, 8am � 8pm at the building site in the Park.They need garden rakes, long-handled, pointed shovels, wheelbarrows, hammers, circular saws, 4 ft. levels, tape measures, extension cords (25, 50, and 100 ft), and corded 3/8� reversible drills.There will be security on-site for seven days straight.There are two ways to register for the event: 1) through the Internet at the URL: http://1000hands.org or 2) by calling 513-352-4611.Childcare will be provided for 3-9 year-olds; 10-13 year-olds can work on site with a parent, and 14-17 year-olds can work independently without power tools.

Great American Clean-Up (Mr. Gary Moffett)

Mr. Moffett encouraged participation in the Great American Cleanup, sponsored by Keep Cincinnati Beautiful, and scheduled for Saturday, April 27, 2002.Those who wish to participate should meet at the Roselawn branch of the Library at 9:30am, and plan to work until approximately noon.They should bring gloves and wear light colored clothing.A pizza party at The Legacy will follow the clean up.



Committee Reports


Beautification (Ms. Nancy Sunnenberg) � Through the 2002 Spring ReLeaf program nine trees have been procured for Roselawn Park.Seven hedge maples have been planted at the Eastlawn entrance, and two magnolias will be planted at the Seymour entrance to the Park.One magnolia has been planted at the arches on Reading at Rosecliff.


Business � No report.


Education (Rev. James Miller) � Roselawn Condon School has begun a new discipline policy.One of the outcomes of this policy is an alternative learning center, hosted at the Roselawn Lutheran Church.The Center has already had clients this week.After in-school suspension is exhausted, an option to go into the Alternative Learning Center is available.At this point, the center is appearing to be a success.


Law & Safety (Ms. Cynthia A. Shafer)

The Committee distributed their report in printed format, and it will be filed with these minutes.


Litter (Mr. Gary Moffett)

Mr. Moffett stated that next Thursday, April 18 at 7:30pm the Litter Committee will be meeting at the Roselawn Community Council Office at the Mid-City Executive Center to discuss litter clean-up issues and strategies.If anyone is interested in attending, they should call 513-731-4559.Finally Mr. Moffett noted that one of the major causes for most litter is that it is put into receptacles, but the receptacles are not secured, allowing litter to be blown about.


Membership � No report.


Newsletter (Ms. Mary Donaldson) � The second quarter newsletter was recently mailed.Any newsletter suggestions or ideas can be called or emailed in for consideration.


Website � No report.


Youth (Rev. James Miller)

Pastor Miller announced that his congregation will be hosting a Health and Wellness Fair on April 20, 2024 from 10a until 1pm in partnership with Hamilton County Department of Job and Familly Services.Blood pressure and diabetes screenings will done.The Roselawn PRIDE team will be present to do a couple of healthy cooking demonstrations.He also noted that on April 27, at 2pm, his congregation will be hosting a performance �Early One Morning�, a free, forty-five minute Easter drama of 10 songs, professionally done by one woman.The presentation is designed for teens and adults.Rev Miller stated that twelve members of the PRIDE team are downtown for the National PRIDE Conference, which began last evening, and will continue through tomorrow.A Knothole softball team has already been started.


Old Business



New Business

RCC Signs (Mr. Dan Joyner)

Mr. Joyner asked whether anyone would like an RCC sign for his or her yard.


Food Drives (Mr. Vito Folchi)

Mr. Folchi inquired whether the RCC or any other entity in Roselawn collects food for the needy.As Roselawn Lutheran does a small collection, Mr. Folchi said he would talk after the meeting with Rev. Miller.


There being no further business to come before the members, Ms. Gerstle moved, seconded by Ms. Davis that the meeting be adjourned.



Respectfully submitted,




Paul Probst, Secretary