JANUARY 12, 2024


Meeting called to order at 7:30 PM by President Michael Watson. New attendees and visitors introduced themselves. Minutes of the meeting of November 10, 2023 were approved.� (Jones, Schafer)


FIRE REPORT: Lt. Duncan reported 118 runs in December; 15 were fires. He urged people to be mindful of carbon monoxide exposure. Detectors are available at the station at Seymour and Vine; phone first � 352-2302.


POLICE REPORT: Spec. Charles Dukes provided crime stats. Beginning in February they will be reported by streets. Stressed having layers of home security; encouraged lights and dogs. Discussed Christmas Eve homicide�police need leads!


LEGACY: Faith Hill, owner since March 1, 2024 asked to speak to the community. She tries to have her business be an asset to Roselawn, and apologized for her part in the Christmas Eve shooting. She recognized that the Legacy did not have a �dance license�, but has applied for one. The dance license is renewable annually through the city. She also agreed not to permit teen dances at the Legacy.


President Michael Watson reported meeting with all club owners and their ongoing need to communicate with each other and with RCC. Paul Probst moved that RCC object to any staging of teen dances in the Roselawn community until further notice. Seconded by Steve Kirschner. Motion passed (25 for, 0 opposed, 2 abstentions)� See later motion.


Cincinnati Recreation Commission: Carole Douglas reported new program guides are available. Memberships are due. Scott Donaldson�s art exhibit will be shown in February.


CPOP � Charles Houston; meets at Police Substation behind Franklin Savings and Loan, 2nd Tuesday of the month, 6:30 PM



BUSINESS ASSOCIATION � 14 attended Jan. 6 meeting.� Dept. of Buildings & Inspections have issued signage violations to 4 addresses on Reading Road in the business district. Also 4 benches (part of Benches and Banners) have been installed in the same area.


John Stalnaker, owner of Mid City Executive Center announced they are exploring tax credit Senior housing for the Summit Road building. This would be market rate housing; replacing commercial space with residential.


ROSELAWN CONDON SCHOOL � Regina Livers announced the School renovation group will be interviewing 3 architectural firms on Wed., January 25 at 4 PM. Then the group will begin the design phase.


TREASURER: Bob Ingberg reported we finished 2005 in the black. Are currently receiving new members.


WEB SITE: Thanked Lori Buxton for her dedication as Web Master. (And accepted her resignation.)


Motion made to support annual� �dance license� for the Legacy. Approved. (11 for, 2 opposed, 3 abstentions.)




         New �dollar store� opening in February or March on the southeast corner of Reading and Section.

         Paradise Island � offering Jamaican cuisine � now open on Reading Road in the old �Wendy�s� building.


Meeting adjourned.

Barbara Kley, Secretary